How can an entire month have gone by so quickly. This girl is already half a year old. She is just getting to be more and more fun. Just a few highlights from the past month...

*She laughs for no reason at all and she has this laugh that is kinda crazy. It sounds like a cross between a hacking sound and a laugh. It is low and in her throat and it just cracks Aaron and I up. Still if anyone is going to make her laugh it would be Taylee. Emberley just looks at her a special way and you just know she thinks her big sister is so so cool.
*She has gotten herself on a really good schedule this past month. She wakes up the same time as Tay does for school (usually) then goes down for a morning nap around 9, sleeps till 11, eats, plays, eats, sleeps again around 2, sleeps till 4 or 5, eats, plays, goes to bed for the night around 7:30 or 8. Life is good on a schedule.
*She still only rolls from her tummy to her back and doesn't sit up yet. Hmmm maybe I hold my babies too much!
*She started jabbering. She says ya-ya-ya, da-da-da-da-da, ga-ga-ga. It is so fun cause when I talk back to her she smiles at me so big, in fact she smiles so easily it just melts me.
*She is getting so good at holding things and grabbing things. She loves jewelry and anything else small enough to suck on and can entertain herself for a little while playing with things. She is always soaking wet cause she is sucking on something all the time. She is just growing and changing so much I wish it would just slow down!