Friday, November 11, 2011

5 Months Old

Emberley Ilene was five months old on the 9th! I am so totally in love with this little sweetie and I can tell her daddy is too. Funny how you don't know what your missing, but then they come and you can't imagine your family with out them.

Here are some new things she has started to do in the past few months...

*she laughs much more often and with much less effort from us. Taylee gets her cracking up the most by doing the same random thing over and over and Emberley thinks she is just hilarious.
*she has gotten lots more grabby. She wants anything she can get her hands on and then like a typical baby, once she has it, it goes right to her mouth. So obviously she is liking baby toys now and chews, sucks and naws on everything.
*she is still loving that binky and so am I!
*most nights she sleeps through the night, goes to bed around 8 or 8:30 and sleeps till 7 or 8 in the morning.
*the other day I was at Lacey's with Bonnie and I told Bonnie to put her on her stomach. I then made a comment about how my almost 5 month old hasn't rolled over yet and not one minute after I said that, she rolled over. Rolled like it was no big thing, like she has been doing it for a while, except she hasn't. Now she is a rolling pro. (well from tummy to back). Funny girl.
*she likes jumping in her bouncy chair and is happiest when someone is looking at her and talking to her.
*she has gotten very aware of voices, especially her daddy's. If he comes in the room and starts talking she looks around till she finds him. It's cute except when I'm trying to feed her!
*she eats rice cereal once a day and does really well now eating. She loves sticking her fingers in her mouth while I feed her and will start to laugh almost every time which results in her food spitting out. I gave her a french fry to suck on the other day and man did she love that.
*no teeth yet and her mommy is happy about that!
*she is a happy girl and such a good baby. She even will snuggle me when she gets tired which is the best. Her little smile melts me!

Brad Paisley Here I Come!

I had a great b-day this past week. I got lots of company to come play with me. We partied all week-end playing games, eating good snacks and staying up way past my bed time.

Saturday night we went out to Stockmans...

Andy's present to me was eating an entire cow... (all in 6 bites)

Sunday was my actual b-day and Bonnie and Aaron made me a great dinner and then Lacey and her fam came over with my cake. Monday Lacey had Bonnie and I over for a birthday lunch. I felt well loved!

Then on monday Tay took me bowling and even let me win!

  • Aaron really spoiled me and got me tickets to the Brad Paisley concert in Salt Lake. The Band Perry and Scotty McCreary are performing too. What a sweet guy I have, I cant wait!

Halloween 2011

Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh..... BATGIRL!

Halloween is always a little bit of a challenge because I have a daughter that wants to be things that are totally boy and not only that, but things that require her head to be covered so no one would know it was a girl underneath at all. Maybe I should be a mom that doesn't care, but I at least wanted a compromise. So batgirl makes her happy while still looking like a girl.

Strike a pose girl!

I have to say this is actually one of my favorite costumes cause she looks so stinkin' cute!

Our trunk or treat this year was on Saturday so here we are waiting to get going. Emberley was going to be a ballerina, but it was too cold.

Taylee and one of her best buddies, Coulson.

Checkin out the haul of candy!

On Halloween day Tay got to wear her costume to school, but she has AM kindy so we had to fill the rest of the day with something Halloweeny so we made cookies. We have had so much fun having Bonnie here with us, Taylee (and me) will be sad when she has to go home.

Emberley having a good time just hanging out...

That night we went to Lacey's so Tay could trick-or-treat with her cousins. My girls waiting on the boys...

A cute little ladybug was getting excited too...

Ready to go...
Another fun Halloween.
(We did carve pumpkins, but didn't get any pics this year)

How You Know You Live in the Country...

Oh yeah, just a random flock of sheep hanging out in our backyard... not much else to say.


A couple week-ends ago Aaron's brother Danny and his family came to visit and we had a good time hanging out. Taylee and Addi's personalities are like night and day, but they do pretty good playing together as long as Taylee doesn't get too intense! We love having company and hope they will come back often.

Eating at Craigos makes everyone happy...

Two little cousins, Will and Emberley. Poor girl is absolutely surrounded by boy cousins on both sides. Will is about a month older and Micah and Nancy (Aaron's other bro) just had a little guy, Eli, a few weeks ago so thats two on the Alldredge side. Then Lacey had her twins so that is two on my side. She will have to work hard to keep up with all these little guys!

Back to the straw maze for an a"maze"ing time!!

Makay, Will and Danny

Eating and the Twins

So on October 11, Lacey's twin boys arrived. Both healthy and strong! She named them Kolby and Kessler. Of course we had many trips to the hospital to see them...
Brynlee, Taylee and Kolby (I think)

Proud Cousin

Emberley started eating rice cereal. She wasn't sure she liked it at first, but now she gobbles the stuff down!

Yum, Yum!